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Any person or business not complying with those terms shall be pursued to the fullest extent of the law. * INTRODUCTION * With your decision to buy this program you have made a good choice which will pay off for years to come. Soon, you will not believe that you ever evaluated statistics by hand, or tried to keep track of your customers by using little index cards. Just remember how much time you had to spend just to get data back. Even if you made the effort to split the gross in three categories -- services men and women, products -- you still didn't know what each of your employee's share was. Well, those times are over! With the help of Super Barber 3.3 you will not need any more time than that used to input data into a common cash register. But with this same effort you will enjoy a maximum of statistical data, which you can perfectly use to organize and plan your business for more success in the future. Super Barber 3.3 was designed to make your life easier, open up new possibilities and to be used by a novice as well as by an expert. Good luck and much success Super Barber & Christian Gotschim * DIRECTORY * 0-0 Installation and input of basic data 1-0 Customer menu 1-1 Cash register 1-2 Customer information on printer 1-3 Customer information on screen 1-4 Biorhythm 1-5 Coupons 2-0 Statistics menu 2-1 Monthly and yearly statistics 2-2 Monthly and yearly graphics 2-3 Services on screen 2-4 Services on printer 2-5 Customer analysis 3-0 Inventory menu 3-1 Edit / change 3-2 Order list and inventory 3-3 Print price labels 4-0 Mail Room menu 4-1 Letters 4-2 Labels 5-0 Extras menu 5-1 Cash In/Out 5-2 Customer counting/listing 5-3 Customer deletion 5-4 Change services 5-5 Change employees 5-6 Setup 6-0 End-of-day menu 6-1 Listing of daily entries 6-2 Daily statistics 6-3 Print daily entries 6-4 Exit to DOS 6-5 Return to main menu 7-0 Technical requirements 7-1 Screen saver * INSTALLATION * Super Barber 3.3 will be installing itself after you enter the following command: INSTALL. If you have downloaded the program from CompuServe or America Online you will have one (1) month to evaluate Super Barber 3.3 free without any obligation. If you wish to continue using it after that period, contact: Christian Gotschim 1944 Whitley Ave #304 Los Angeles, CA 90068 -- USA Phone: (213) 883-0276 -- Fax: (213) 876-4320 CompuServe ID: 70242,3333 America Online ID: CPG007 The price for the software is US$ 499.95 and has to be paid by check or money order. Now, after the installation is complete you will have to input some basic data in order to make use of the program. 0-1 Input your employees 0-2 Input your services 0-3 Input your products 0-4 Input your customers (this you can do on an as-needed basis) * 0-1 INPUT YOUR EMPLOYEES * Please select the EXTRAS menu from the main menu. Your initial code setting is "1". You should change this code as soon as possible and find one for yourself. Please remember that you will need to remember this code in order to be able to get into the sub-menus 2 through 5, even to change your new code again. Now select number 6 (Change employees). You will see the listing of only one employee (only a sample). Press and you can change all existing data and add new information. When you enter a new code, please remember that you also have to determine which menu-numbers this employee should be able to access (2 for Statistics, 3 for Stock, 4 for Correspondence, 5 for Extras, 6 for End-of-day). Because of this limitation of access, an employee can have a code to access for instance the End-of-day menu, but not the Statistics menu. The code may be a mixture of letters, numbers and special characters. (Warning: the program makes a difference between regular and capital letters: "CODE" does not equal "code"!). After you have entered all the data for this section you might want to look at the bottom box where you can find a little statistic for each employee. * FUNCTION BAR * F2 Save your entries and return to the menu F3 Skip to the previous employee F4 Skip to the next employee F5 Delete this employee (can only be done if all statistical values are zero) F6 Append a new employee (the employee number will be determined automatically) F10 Back to the listing of all employees * 0-2 INPUT YOUR SERVICES * Select 5 now to access "Change services". After you have input your services you will see a listing of your services here. Since you don't have them yet, just press to edit/change your first service. Basically you have five (5) groups of services: - Color (max. 18 services) - Perm (max. 18 services) - Women (max. 50 services) - Men (max. 50 services) - Cosmetic (max. 50 services) NOW, START ENTERING: - The name of the service (the way you want it to be listed later on) - The price you wish to establish for all your employees for this service (can be adjusted individually next to the employee's number) - The probable time in minutes you will need for this service - The service factor (indicates the importance of this service for statistical evaluation) - Multiplyability of this service (if set to "Y" (Yes) you can later on in the cash register multiply this service (i.e.: 2 haircuts)) You can also find some statistical values on this page, which should help you indicate the success this service enjoys. * FUNCTION BAR * F2 Save your entries and return to the menu F3 Skip to the previous service F4 Skip to the next service F5 Delete this service F6 Jump to the next group of services F10 Returns to the listing of your services * 0-3 INPUT YOUR PRODUCTS * Select number 3 (Inventory) from the MAIN menu, enter your code and then select number 1 (edit / change) from the stock menu. Now, press F6 to add a new product. As you will see, the product number is determined automatically by the program. You can change this number if it doesn't already exist. NOW ENTER THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: - The name of the article - The distributing company (at least one character or synonym -- important for the order list) - Wholesale price (you don't have to enter this data -- optional) - The retail price (this data is not optional, you will need it to make a sale) - Correction of inventory (adjust if you get a delivery or take something out without using the cash register) - The minimum amount in stock (this value determines whether you should place an order) - The required stock on hand (this value determines for the order list how many items should be ordered) - Actual amount in stock You can also see some statistical data again: - The gross profit (amount and percentage) - # sold this month (how many products had been sold this month) - Gross this month - Date (will be entered automatically when you add a product) - # sold this year (how many products had been sold this year) - Gross this year - Updated (will be entered automatically when you change something) - In the lower boxes you see how many times this product was sold by each employee * FUNCTION BAR * F2 Save and return to menu F3 Skip to the previous product F4 Skip to the next product F5 Delete this product (will be marked for deletion and physically deleted at the beginning of the month) F6 Add a new product F10 Returns to the entry page of this program * 0-4 INPUT YOUR CUSTOMERS * As mentioned before, the input of your customers can be done on a need-only basis as you go along. If you have been using index cards so far, you probably have some people in there who are not your customers anymore. Therefore it might even be recommended, that you work on a need-only basis, meaning that you only enter the customer's name and address when you next serve this customer, and therefore know that he/she is still with you. Of course, you can immediately enter all the customers you already have on file. To do this, choose any of the numbers 1 through 4 in the CUSTOMER menu, and press F6 to append a new customer. First you have to enter the sex of your customer (which is important for statistical data, mail-outs and counting). Following that, you enter as much personal information as possible. In the bottom two boxes you can then enter the last recipes for both coloring and perming. * FUNCTION BAR * F2 Save and return to menu F3 Return to the top of the page (for corrections ...) F4 Append the next customer (saves the current info and adds a new record for the next customer) F5 Delete this customer (the most recently added customer, which you see on the screen, will be deleted) F6 Proceed to the program you selected previously (the just entered data will be saved) F10 Save and return to the entry page (the previously entered data will be saved) P.S.: Obviously, the one-time-input of the basic data might be a timely undertaking, but once this is done you will enjoy the advantage of very little input and maximum of output. * 1-0 CUSTOMER MENU * In the following chapters you will find a description of each section and program Super Barber 3.3 features. The sections already mentioned in the installation procedure will not be repeated. So, please refer to the installation chapter if you have any questions concerning those sections. * 1-1 CASH REGISTER * The cash register is probably the most important program of Super Barber 3.3, which you will have to use on a regular basis throughout your business day. Here, you can enter, prepare, evaluate and print out customer's invoices. Once familiar with this procedure you will not spend more time on entering the data, then you used to with your common cash register. On the other hand you will get a maximum of output of all sorts of statistical data, updated customer information etc. by simply switching on your computer! Select number 1 in the CUSTOMER menu and enter either the name (or parts of the name) or number of the customer to get a numeric or alphabetic listing of all customers beginning with the first found. No listing will be shown, if none was found under that name or number. By not entering a name or number and pressing you will automatically return to the menu. This is the same for all entry pages throughout the program. Once you see the listing, move the cursor to the desired customer and press to select. To jump back and forth between pages of listings press or . returns to the menu. Once you have selected a customer with you will see the first page of the cash register program. Namely, the recipe page. In the top box you see some personal information about the customer you are dealing with (first name, last name, address, number and birthday). Underneath that, you see a line "Prefers" and two numbers. The first is the employee number the customer preferred thus far, the other you can change if the preference has changed. Now you can enter the recipes for both coloring and perming on the left side. It is up to you what kind of information you want to enter there. On the right side you see the old recipes (if available). The rule here is the following: out of six lines each (for coloring and perming) you only have to enter one line in order to get all the others updated automatically. Meaning, that if your customer has the same color recipe today as he/she had last time, you only renew, i.e.: The time and all other information will be taken from the former record on the right side. This way you can save quite some time in processing an invoice (especially, if you are not quite fluent in typing!) On the next page (you switch between pages by pressing to skip back one page or to skip forward one page) you will find the services you entered for coloring and perming. As on the following pages you only have to enter the employees number next to the service. If you have checked a service as multiplyable you will see a second field, next to the employees field, where you can enter how many times this service was performed on this customer. You will find the same method of data entry on the remaining two pages. The third page is for sex-specific services, and the fourth page is for cosmetics. The fields marked "EXTRAS" are for services that are not registered as a regular service, vary in price from time to time etc. Use those fields as little as possible, since the statistical output out of the "EXTRAS" field is limited. Remember, that you can enter any employee number between 1 and 50, but only those registered will be accepted. In fact, you will not be able to get to the Totals page, unless all entries are positively verified. * FUNCTION BAR * F2 Jumps to the Totals page (adds up all entries) F4 Jumps to the products page F8 Shows you a memo field where you can take notes about the customer Once you pressed F4 you can see an empty entry field where you enter either the product number, or the name (or parts of the name) of the article you wish to sell. If you input the name of the article you will get an alphabetical listing of all articles, starting with the one found first. The listing works similar to the customer listing. If no article was found the field stays empty. If found, you see the number, name, company and price of the product. The only thing left to complete the sale is to enter who made the sale and how many items were sold. Having completed one sale you will see "Press for next entry" (for the next sale), or you can move the cursor up to mark one sale for deletion. Press F2 now to see the total for all entries (services and products). The listing contains the name of the employee who has done the service, the name of the service, the price of the service and the minutes you determined for this service. The products will always appear in the last row and will not be listed separately. Once you have saved the invoice you may call it as many times as you wish this day to modify or just view it. There are two exemptions to this rule: the first two customer records (number 1 and 2) cannot be called again once they are saved. Those two records (1 for women, 2 for men) are for customers, who are or will not be permanently coming to your business. Therefore you can create many invoices for these two accounts each day. With all the other customers you will only be able to establish one invoice a day. * FUNCTION BAR * F2 Save and return to the menu (after you've answered the question about the payment method) F3 Returns to the last page of the services used F4 Returns to the Products page F5 Deletes this invoice (after confirmation from you) F6 Saves, prints the invoice and returns to the menu F7 Calculator (described in the following) With the calculator you have the following options: - To compute the change or a debt for this customer - To use coupons (simply enter the coupon number - maximum six per invoice. The coupons must have been entered before -- refer to section 1-5. The program then decides if the coupon is sufficient, if you have to use another coupon or if there is cash left to be paid, etc.) - To give a discount (either of a certain amount or as a percentage) P.S.: Before you can exit the cash register you have to confirm the method of payment. This information will be used for some additional statistical data for the print-out of the daily entries (you will hear more about this later on in this manual). It also makes it easier in the evening to cross-check the money in the cash register. * 1-2 CUSTOMER INFO ON PRINTER * This program serves the purpose to provide you with specific customer information directly at the work place. You will get a printout of the three most recent recipes (if available) for both coloring and perming. In addition to that you can also request to have a biorhythm printed out as well (in case there is no birthday stored with this customer, you will be prompted for it). Simply enter the name (or parts of the name) or the number of the customer, select the desired customer from the listing and wait for the printout. The format of the printout is designed for use with half letter size paper. * 1-3 CUSTOMER INFO ON SCREEN * With the help of this program you can look up all personal information, the last ten recipes for both coloring and perming, the grosses you made with this customer (split into service and product totals) and how much time you spent on this customer thus far. You can also change all recipes which you look up if necessary. * FUNCTION BAR * F2 Save and return to the menu F5 Marks this customer (including all recipes) for deletion (the physical deletion will be performed at the beginning of the month) F6 Edit the memo field (same as in the cash register) F7 Lists the last 10 colorings (if available) F8 Lists the last 10 perms (if available) F10 Returns to the entry page of this program Page Up/Down Switches between the two pages * 1-4 BIORHYTHM SCREEN/PRINTER * As an additional customer service you can call up the biorhythm for customers. Though laughed at by many people, studies have shown that there are interesting correlations between one's biorhythm and for instance, the probability to cause a car accident. You have the choice between running a single rhythm, or two simultaneously (maybe for comparisons). The "Date to start with" declares simply what day the program starts computing the rhythm. THE FOLLOWING THREE CURVES ARE EVALUATED: - MEN: Mental - PHY: Physical - PSY: Psychological Everything left of the neutral line is called a negative curve (or state), everything right of the neutral line is called a positive curve. The results are only intended as a basis for decisions, not as the ultimate force between right and wrong. Please keep this in mind. * FUNCTION BAR * Page Up/Down Skip backward or forward one page F10 Return to the entry page of this program ESC Returns to the menu * 1-5 COUPONS * As you probably know from experience, some customers buy coupons as gifts for relatives or friends. Since coupons need special attention in the invoice- process I have included this program to take care of that. Basically, you can add, delete or change coupons with this program, but you can only use them in the cash register. Attention: first you have to establish a coupon in this section before you can use it. Follow the instructions on the entry page to add a new coupon, or to look up an already existing one. The following fields can be seen and/or filled out: - The coupon number - Coupon .. of .. - Sold on ... (Date of sale) - Used on ... (Date coupon was used on) - Sold for ... (the amount the coupon was sold/given away for) - Remaining ... (the value of the coupon at the present time) - Today's correction ... (used for keeping coupons up to date if coupon was bought in this branch and used in another one) - Bought in branch ... (if you have several branches then enter the name of the branch here) - Name of customer (used to identify the customer who owns this coupon) - Sold (= T), Gift (= F) ... (identifies the coupon as such. A sold coupon will appear on your daily printout in the End-of-Day menu. A gift coupon will not appear there. - 1=Service, 2=Products, 0=Both (differentiates if this coupon can only be used for services (1), products (2) or both (0). * 2-0 STATISTICS MENU * All statistics and data provided in this menu has been automatically compiled by Super Barber 3.3. Most of the data comes from the Cash Register in the Customer menu. Every morning when you switch on the computer a program called SB_DAY.EXE runs and compiles the input data of the previous day into readable statistics, customer information etc. * 2-1 MONTHLY/YEARLY STATISTICS ON SCREEN AND PRINTER * Basically, this program is split into three parts: - Listing of all employees (to get a comparison among your employees) - Per-employee-statistics (to see all data per employee on one page) - Projected/Actual comparison per employee (to get a comparison of each employee) Choose number 1 in the STATISTIC menu and the time period you would like to see (month or year). The structure of the monthly and yearly statistics is absolutely identical. In the first part of the program you will find the following: PAGE 1: - Employee number - Name of employee - Salary - Total sales (women, men, service and products together) - Profitability of each employee (percentage of salary divided by total sales) - Service factor (based on the values you designated for each service) - Total women (service and products) - Total men (service and products) PAGE 2: - Employee number - Total products (women) - Total service (women) - Total colorings (women) - Total permings (women) - Total specials (women) (sex specific services for women) - Total cosmetics (women) PAGE 3: - Employee number - Total products (men) - Total services (men) - Total colorings (men) - Total permings (men) - Total specials (men) (sex specific services for men) - Total cosmetics (men) PAGE 4: - Employee number - Percentage of the total sales of an employee divided by the total sales of the company - Percentage of the women's total of an employee divided by the women's total of the company - Percentage of the men's total of an employee divided by the men's total of the company - Percentage of the women's product total of an employee divided by the women's product total of the company - Percentage of the women's coloring total of an employee divided by the women's coloring total of the company - Percentage of the women's perming total of an employee divided by the women's perming total of the company - Percentage of the women's special total of an employee divided by the women's special total of the company - Percentage of the women's cosmetic total of an employee divided by the women's cosmetic total of the company - Percentage of the men's product total of an employee divided by the men's product total of the company - Percentage of the men's coloring total of an employee divided by the men's coloring total of the company - Percentage of the men's perming total of an employee divided by the men's perming total of the company - Percentage of the men's special total of an employee divided by the men's special total of the company - Percentage of the men's cosmetic total of an employee divided by the men's cosmetic total of the company PAGE 5: - Employee number - Total time an employee spent on services (men and women) - Percentage of above in comparison to the company - Time an employee spent on services for women - Percentage of above in comparison to the company - Time an employee spent on coloring women - Percentage of above in comparison to the company - Time an employee spent on perming women - Percentage of above in comparison to the company - Time an employee spent on sex-specific services for women - Percentage of above in comparison to the company - Time an employee spent on cosmetic for women - Percentage of above in comparison to the company PAGE 6: - Employee number - Total time an employee spent on services (men and women) - Percentage of above in comparison to the company - Time an employee spent on services for men - Percentage of above in comparison to the company - Time an employee spent on coloring men - Percentage of above in comparison to the company - Time an employee spent on perming men - Percentage of above in comparison to the company - Time an employee spent on sex-specific services for men - Percentage of above in comparison to the company - Time an employee spent on cosmetic for men - Percentage of above in comparison to the company PAGE 7: - Employee number - Number of products sold of an employee (women) - Percentage of above in comparison to the company - Average amount per sale of an employee (women) - Number of all services of an employee (women) - Percentage of above in comparison to the company - Average amount per service of an employee (women) - Number of women's colorings of an employee - Number of women's permings of an employee - Number of women's special services of an employee - Number of women's cosmetics of an employee PAGE 8: - Employee number - Number of products sold of an employee (men) - Percentage of above in comparison to the company - Average amount per sale of an employee (men) - Number of all services of an employee (men) - Percentage of above in comparison to the company - Average amount per service of an employee (men) - Number of men's colorings of an employee - Number of men's permings of an employee - Number of men's special services of an employee - Number of men's cosmetics of an employee * FUNCTION BAR * Page up/down Skips to previous/next employee page Cursor left/right Skips to previous/next page of statistics (8 pages) F3 Skips to previous month/year (depending on monthly or yearly statistic) F4 Skips to next month/year (depending on monthly or yearly statistics) F6 Prints this statistic (on letter-size paper) F7 Switches to statistics per employee F8 Switches to projected/actual comparison per employee ESC Returns to the menu The second part of 'Statistics on screen and printer' (statistics per employee - F7) shows you all statistical data on one page for one employee (beginning with the company referred to as an employee). Just follow the desired line horizontally and the desired column vertically to find the value you wish to see. * FUNCTION BAR * F3 Skips to previous employee F4 Skips to next employee F6 Prints this page (on letter-size paper) ESC Returns to the first part of this program The third and final part of this program is a projected/actual comparison per employee. It enables you to determine projections per employee (based on the last month's/year's performance) and compare those values/goals with the actual values of an employee. The use of this part of the program is optional, and you could even just enter a couple of projections which are of interest to you. Attention: you can only fill in data for men or women, and not the total for both men and women. The total will be calculated automatically. Also, if you fill out some data for each employee you don't have to sum up those values for the entire company. That will also be done automatically if you press F7. * FUNCTION BAR * F2 Returns to the first part of this program F3 Skips to previous employee F4 Skips to next employee F6 Prints this page (on letter-size paper) F7 Sums up all employees and replaces the company record with the results * 2-2 MONTHLY/YEARLY GRAPHICS ON SCREEN AND PRINTER * Basically, the graphics have the same structure as the statistics do. In this manner you will find the same comparisons (employee/company) in the first part. The second part again is per employee, and the third the projected/actual comparison per employee. The first part contains 18 pages. Each for a different kind of comparison: Page 1 Gross Page 2 Gross Products Page 3 Gross Services Page 4 Gross Colorings Page 5 Gross Permings Page 6 Gross Specials Page 7 Gross Cosmetics Page 8 Service Time Page 9 Colorings Time Page 10 Permings Time Page 11 Specials Time Page 12 Cosmetics Time Page 13 Products sold Page 14 Number of Services Page 15 Number of Colorings Page 16 Number of Permings Page 17 Number of Special Services Page 18 Number of Cosmetics * FUNCTION BAR * Page up/down Skips between those 18 pages Cursor up/down Skips between listings of employees F3 Skips to previous month/year (depending on monthly or yearly statistic) F4 Skips to next month/year (depending on monthly or yearly statistic) F6 Prints this page (on letter-size paper) F7 Switches to graphics per employee F8 Switches to projected/actual comparison per employee ESC Returns to the menu The second part of the programs (graphics per employee) consists of three pages per employee: 1) Gross, 2) Minutes (Time) and 3) Numbers * FUNCTION BAR * Page up/down Skips between the three pages (Gross, minutes, numbers) F3 Skips to previous employee F4 Skips to next employee F6 Prints this page (on letter-size paper) ESC Returns to the first part of this program The third part of this program (projected/actual comparison per employee) also consists of three pages per employee: 1) Gross, 2) Minutes (Time) and 3) Numbers. They show you how much of the goal (projected value) actually was achieved (actual value). * FUNCTION BAR * Page up/down Skips between those three pages (gross, minutes, numbers) F3 Skips to previous employee F4 Skips to next employee F6 Prints this page (on letter-size paper) ESC Returns to the first part of this program * 2-3 SERVICES ON SCREEN * To get a statistical overview of all services (and how much each of your employees contributed to each service) you should select number 3 in the STATISTIC menu. You will get a listing of all your services for this month. It will look like this (from left to right): - Name of the service - Gross this month - Percentage to the gross of all services this month - Total time spent on this service this month - Total number of times this service has been performed this month - Number of times this service has been performed by each employee this month * FUNCTION BAR * Cursor up/down Skips back/forward one service Cursor left/right Switches back/forward 7 employees Page up/down Skips back/forward one page F10 Returns to the entry page of this program ESC Returns to the menu * 2-4 SERVICES ON PRINTER * Identical with services on screen except that the output device is the printer. Attention: You should have at least 9 letter-size pages in the printer. * 2-5 CUSTOMER ANALYSIS * This can be a really helpful tool to find out more about your clientele and/or to stage a successful promotion campaign. If you want more specific answers concerning your customers you should check out 'Customer Counting' in the EXTRAS menu. The following criterias are available: - Sex - Age - Last Color - Last Perm - Last Visit * FUNCTION BAR * Page up/down Skips between the two pages F3 Skips to previous analysis F4 Skips to next analysis F5 Deletes analysis F6 Prints this analysis F7 Displays the analysis graphically ESC Returns to the menu * 3-0 INVENTORY MENU * * 3-1 EDIT / CHANGE * This program was already discussed in the installation chapter. Please look it up there. * 3-2 ORDER-LIST AND INVENTORY * Once established, you will have a constant overview and automatic handling of your inventory done automatically. All products sold will be subtracted automatically every morning and you only have to make corrections if you have any deliveries coming in. Now, the only thing you will have to do is to select what you want (order-list or inventory) and where you want it (screen or printer). The output on the printer is on letter-size paper. When selecting the order-list (screen as well as printer) you will be asked for the delivery company to print out articles from this company only. * 3-3 PRINT PRICE-LABELS * With the help of this program you can print out price-labels for your products on the printer. Once you start this program it counts how many pages (letter- size with labels on it) you will need. In order to find out what kind of labels it takes, we suggest you print out one page and buy the appropriate labels in the stationary store. An alternative to the labels would be to find the products in the cash register with their name (you only have to enter the first 3 to 4 characters to get a listing). * 4-0 MAIL ROOM MENU * * 4-1 LETTERS * This program provides you with the possibility to write to a pre-selected group of customers with a standardized letter. It is called mail-merge and will make each letter look like you personally wrote each one. It is very easy to select the customers you want to reach with the easy to handle and flexible customer-selection-procedure (the same procedure is also used in some other parts of Super Barber 3.3). For instance, you want to write to all females, age 25-30, who live in a specific zip code area and had a service gross of $300.00 to 700.00. No problem, just select all those criteria and Super Barber 3.3 will find them automatically. When you have made all desired selections go to 'Proceed' to see a listing of all available letters. Add a new letter, change an existing one or delete one, it is all up to you. Attention: Due to sometimes huge selections of customers, make sure you have enough letter-size paper at hand. Always make sure that you have enough paper in the printer. Feed the printer with additional paper before it runs out! * FUNCTION BAR * F2 Save and return to the menu F3 Print this letter with the selection of all selected customers F4 Edit the top box (information about this letter) F5 Delete this letter F6 Add a new letter F7 Skip to previous letter F8 Skip to next letter ESC Don't save this letter and return to the menu * 4-2 LABELS * Use this program to print out labels to attach to your mail-merge letters. In case you use envelopes with windows you could adjust the address on the letters to fit in the window. The customer selection process is the same as the one for letters. The format for the labels is letter-size paper with 2 labels in a row and 7 labels in a column. Attention: Make sure that you have enough paper in the printer (as stated on the screen). * 5-0 EXTRAS MENU * * 5-1 CASH IN/OUT * In here you will find it easy to take care of the cash coming in and going out. All grosses from the day before will be added automatically. It is easy to get summaries on any time period you specify. * FUNCTION BAR * Page up/down Skips back/forward between the pages Cursor up/down Skips back/forward one record Enter Edits the selected record F1 Shows you the options menu F2 Returns to the menu F5 Deletes the selected record F6 Adds a new record The option menu gives you the following possibilities: SEARCH - By date - By reference - By text FILTERING - By date (only shows records within the chosen time period) - By text (only shows records with the chosen text) - By tax code (only shows records with the chosen tax code) - By account out (only shows records with the same account number) - By account in (only shows records with the same account number) - By cash in (only shows records within the chosen range) - By cash out (only shows records within the chosen range) WRITE TO FILE - Writes all records within the chosen time period to a file which can be read by your bookkeeping program. The name of the file will be automatically determined by today's date. The format is YYYYMMDD.DAT. If you want to change the name of the file you can do so before the saving starts. SUMMARY BY TIME PERIOD - sums up cash in and out within the chosen time period PRINT BY TIME PERIOD - prints on letter-size paper all records within the chosen time period CHANGE TAX CODE - change the tax code and it's attached tax rates * 5-2 CUSTOMER COUNTING/LISTING ON SCREEN AND PRINTER * Besides the standardized listing of customers in many programs in the customer menu you can have a customized listing with this program. The selection is done with the same customer selection procedure as in the correspondence menu. Attention: The listed date is not the birthday of the customer, but the date of the last visit. When printing make sure you have enough letter-size paper in the printer. * 5-3 DELETE CUSTOMERS * With the same customer selection system as in the correspondence menu you can select a specific group of people to delete (e.g.: customers who haven't visited for one year). For security purposes you can still free people from deletion during the listing or abort any time. Attention: Even though you can free people from deletion you should use this program with caution. * FUNCTION BAR * Enter Free the selected customer from deletion ESC Abort listing and deletion immediately Page Skips to next page of listing F5 Delete all listed customers (except those freed from deletion with ) * 5-4 SERVICES * This program was already discussed in the installation chapter. Please look it up there. * 5-5 EMPLOYEES * This program was already discussed in the installation chapter. Please look it up there. * 5-6 SETUP * Serves to record some important system settings for Super Barber 3.3. Following are the possible settings: 0 Return to the menu 1 Floppy drive (important for the backups) 2 Select Printer (select the correct printer for your system) 3 Select Colors (select a combination of colors you like) 3 Birthday Range (how many days before or after should you be alarmed for a customers birthday?) 4 Letter adjustments (designate the upper and left margin for the name and address on letters) 5 Sales Tax (designate the sales tax that is implemented in your services) * 6-0 END OF DAY MENU * * 6-1 LISTING OF TODAY'S ENTRIES * Use this program to list your daily entries (invoices). When listing you see the names of the customers including product and service totals. In case you gave a discount to a customer you will see the reduced value. * FUNCTION BAR * Cursor up/down Skips to previous/next entry of listing Page up/down Skips to previous/next page of listing ENTER Shows all information of selected invoice ESC Returns to the menu If you have selected specific information (with ) you get the following: - Total amount of this invoice - Service amount - Products amount - Discount (amount and percentage of total amount) - Coupons deducted - Debts (new debts of this customer) - Cash in (what actually was received from the customer) * FUNCTION BAR * F3 Skips to previous invoice F4 Skips to next invoice ESC Back to the menu * 6-2 TODAY'S STATISTIC * Shows you a total of today's entries and invoices. The statistic is available for the company and each employee individually. THE FOLLOWING DATA IS AVAILABLE: - Name of employee ('Total' stands for the company) - Gross (services and products of this employee) - Products total (all product sales of this employee) - Service total (all services sales of this employee) - Number of products sold - Number of services - Minutes served (how many minutes this employee spent on customers today) - Service factor * FUNCTION BAR * F3 Skips to previous employee F4 Skips to next employee ESC Back to the menu * 6-3 PRINT TODAY'S ENTRIES * Use this program to print out today's entries from the cash register. THE FOLLOWING ABBREVIATIONS ARE USED: - SM (= Services Men) - PM (= Products Men) - SW (= Service Women) - PW (= Products Women) Following the listing of all entries you will find the printout of the daily statistic: - Total services - Total products - Total discounts - Total of used coupons - Total of debts today - Total of coupons sold - Total of actual cash coming in today - Methods of payment * 6-4 EXIT TO DOS * Choosing this option quits Super Barber 3.3 and gives control back to the operating system DOS. All data will be saved on the hard drive. Following that you will see the help menu. Those are the options in the help menu: - A Starts Super Barber 3.3 - A INDEX Starts Super Barber 3.3 and indexes your data files - B backs up data files * 7-0 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS * - IBM PC/XT/AT or 100% compatible computer - 640K RAM - Hard drive - One floppy drive - DOS 3.3 or higher - Printer - Cut sheet feeder strongly recommended - Monitor (B/W or color) - Keyboard * 7-1 SCREEN SAVER * A screen saver is a valuable tool to save your monitor from getting burned-in. This happens when the same image is displayed for a long period of time. After that, you will see a 'shadow' of the burned-in image when displaying another. Super Barber's screen saver can be activated with "Ctrl F10" and used in most parts of the program. It is recommended that you use it especially in the menus. Press any key to deactivate the screen saver.